Giacomo Gulino



  • Keyboards & Piano
  • AFAM

Nato a Sciacca, in provincia di Agrigento, inizia a suonare il pianoforte a quattro anni. Dopo il diploma in conservatorio decide di iscriversi in CPM, grazie al consiglio del M° Giovanni Boscariol.
Dall’aula 1, l’ambiente dedicato al Corso di Pianoforte & Tastiere Pop Rock, ci racconta del programma, dei docenti, dell’esperienza come vincitore del Best Solo Performance 2023 e della condivisione di questa passione con gli altri allievi del CPM. La figura del tastierista, come ci spiega Giacomo, è molto richiesta nel panorama musicale nazionale: fondamentale all'interno di una band, spesso conosce le parti di tutti gli altri strumentisti e si occupa anche di bilanciare le frequenze.

In CPM è possibile intraprendere il Corso Accademico di Pianoforte e Tastiere Elettroniche Pop Rock per il conseguimento del Diploma Accademico di Primo e Secondo livello, titoli equivalenti rispettivamente ad una Laurea Triennale e Magistrale.

Responsabile di Dipartimento è Filippo Rinaldo, affiancato da Giuliano Lecis, Giovanni Boscariol, Fabio Nuzzolese e Massimo Colombo.



Giacomo He made headlines

The CPM for Music Festival 2023

Wednesday, June 21 is a double date with CPM Music!

In addition to the Florentine event "Zen and Music," during which CPM musicians will take part in the dialogue on sound and silence held by Franco Mussida and the abbot of the Zen Temple Shinnyoji Anna Maria Shinnyo Marradi, it is in fact scheduled for the same day the participation of our School of Music in the Make Music Day, now in its 29th edition.
It will be an extraordinary participation: the live performance to be held in the CPM Theater will in fact be broadcast, from 6 to 7 p.m., in live streaming on the channels of Make Music Day, the overseas initiative born 15 years ago from the crossing of the Atlantic by de la Fête de la Musique, the parent event made in France that has been celebrating music for 41 years and from which the Italian celebration of the Festa della Musica was born.

The global streaming event, devised by the Italian and British referents of Make Music Day, is part of a record-breaking initiative: guaranteeing 24 hours of nonstop live music with links from around the world.
In addition to Italy, represented precisely by the CPM Music Institute, we find: Australia, China, India, Cyprus, Turkey, UK, Kenya, Lagos, U.S., with enough time programming to cover 24 hours with streaming.

The CPM students and graduates featured in this live event are as many as 11:
Sara Mancini - voice Pop Rock Singing Diplomate
Raffaella Nicolazzo - voice AFAM 1st year
Sara Cosco - voice AFAM 2nd year
Lucia Gipponi - voice AFAM 3rd year
Edoardo Radaelli - voice AFAM 1st year
Lidia Vitrano - voice AFAM 3rd year
Antonio Mariano - acoustic/electric guitar AFAM 2nd year
Cristian Donà - electric guitar Diplomate Pop Rock guitar.
Giacomo Gulino - keyboards AFAM 2nd year
Michele Burgo - acoustic/pad drums AFAM 2nd year
Adalberto Pierluigi Gambacorta - electric bass AFAM 3rd year
Appointment then at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 21 by logging on to this link: 

Held annually on June 21, Make Music Day, presented by the NAMM Foundation and coordinated by the Make Music Alliance, is part of the international Fête de la Musique, which takes place in thousands of cities in 120 countries around the world. Free for All Day celebrates music in all its forms, encouraging people to come together and perform in free public concerts. 
More than 25,000 artists across the country will take part in the Italian edition, involving more than 800 cities and places such as airports, theaters, conservatories, prisons, etc. in addition to our Music School. 
The flagship city of this 29th edition is Alghero (SS), Sardinia, where jazz trumpeter Enrico Rava will star along with the Jazz Big Bands of the conservatories of Ribera (AG) and Sassari.
Full schedule on the official website of the Music Festival.


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