Lorenzo Cazzaniga


Head of the department

In CPM since:



In 1989, Lorenzo Cazzaniga attended the CEE para-university course for Sound Engineer at the Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Musicale in Saluzzo (CN), established on the initiative of the Filarmonici di Torino.

Professional activity

Since 1990 he has worked as a Sound Engineer in the recording, film and television industries. 
He is technical manager of the broadcasting of musical events for major Italian and foreign television networks, such as the Sanremo Festival on Rai Uno. He was also technical manager of the audio broadcast of Claudio Baglioni's event/concert at the Arena di Verona, which was aired live on Rai Uno on September 15, 2018.
He produces audio-video projects aimed at film production or DVD media release. 
His activities also include publications in Sound & Lite, Backstage, Computer Music, Focus, BIT. 
The quantity but, above all, the quality of the work he completes over the years (he has to his credit the recording and mixing of about three hundred record projects and/or soundtracks) makes an adequate summary difficult.

Recording studios with which he has collaborated

Lorenzo Cazzaniga has worked with recording studios all over the world (Italy, Spain, England, USA, Mexico).


Metropolis, Psycho, Excalibur, Logic, Avant garde, Forum Music Village, Quattrouno, Angelo, Splash, Megaride, Fonoprint, Chorus, X-land, Condulmer, Farm, Mulinetti, Oro, Marina Studios, Larione 10, Hyper, Next, Alari Park, Db One, Nikto, Forward, S.Anna, Small Stone,Esagono, Suono Vivo, Mojo Pin, Digital Toys, Nemo Mobile Digital Studio. 

Eurosonic, Red Led, Cinearte 

United Kingdom:
Metropolis, Town House, Angel, Abbey Road, Withfield Street, Bbc, Sphere

The Hit Factory (NewYork), Criteria (Miami)

Sony Studios (Mexico City)

Artists with whom he has collaborated
Alice, Allevi Giovanni, Amoroso Alessandra, Amerio Danilo, Ametrano Vincenzo, Arbore Renzo, Autieri Manuel, Bacalov Luis, Backer Michael, Baglioni Claudio, Baglioni Giovanni, Baraonna, Barbarossa Luca, Battiato Franco, BBC, Belletti Claudio, Bellio Massimo, Bennato Edoardo, Berlin, Berte' Loredana, Bertoli Pierangelo, Biondi Mario, Blasi Giovanni, Blescia Tony, Bocelli Andrea, Bollani Stefano, Bonvino Paolo, Boscariol Giovanni, Bose' Miguel, Bosia Paolo, Bosio Davide, Bosso Fabrizio, Boston Light Orchestra, Brambilla "Billa" Davide, Branduardi Angelo, Britti Alex, Bubola Massimo, Calleja Joseph, Camagna Maurizio, Cameron Chris, Carrara Angelo, Carreras Josè, Casale Rossana, Casini Roberto, Piero Cassano, Cattivi Pensieri, Charles Ray, Cherry Stone, Chiodo Cesare, Clavel Oscar, Clemmons Clarence, Clessidra, Cocciante Riccardo, Cocilovo Giorgio, Colarullo Luigi, Cole Jude, Complesso Residenziale, Conforti Sergio, Coppini Fabio, Cortellesi Paola,Costa Max, Costa Paolo, CPM, Cristicchi Simone, Crippa Silvio, Cristaldi Franco, Consoli Fabrizio, Cuccarini Lorella, Curreri Gaetano, Dalla Lucio, D' Alessio Ernesto, D'Alessio Gigi, Dalma Sergio, D' Angeli Rolando, Daniel, Daniele Pino, Danieli Giovanni, De Ambrogio Fabio, De Andre' Cristiano, De Andre' Fabrizio, De Bei Carlo, D' Emilio Pier Paolo, De Lucia Paco, De Marinis Davide, Dentes Claudio, De Piscopo Tullio, De Rienzo Gigi, Di Battista Stefano, Di Bella Rosario, Di Cataldo Massimo, Di Falco Roberto, Di Gracci Bracco, Di Michele Grazia, Di Pietro Pino, Dirotta su Cuba, Djivaz Patrick, Dolcenera, Dorfsman Neil, Droghetti Renato, Drupi, Einaudi Ludovico, Elio e la Storie Tese, Fabbri Lucio, Fabrizi Piero, Fantuzzi Emiliano, Fargo Irene, Fasano Franco, Fava Carlo, Ferreri Giusy, Ferrone Steve, Festival di Napoli, Finardi Eugenio, Fiorello, Fiorillo Raffaele, The Fleetwood Mac, Flynn John, Fogli Riccardo, Forni Marco,Fortarezza Nico,Fossati Ivano, Fox Tv, Fragile Nicolo', Franceschini Armando, Fresu Paolo, Frizzi Fabrizio, Funky Company, Gallo Ivo, Gasdia Cecilia, Gemelli Beppe, Gemini, Gianco Ricky, Gianolio Paolo, Giudice Nello, Giurisato Marco, Golinelli"Gallo" Claudio,Golldberg Alan, Gautier Valentina, Gerini Claudia, Gianolio Paolo, Giorgia, Golino Alfredo, Grandi Irene, Graziano Accinni, Grignani Gianluca, Guerra Andrea, H2O, Hellwig Helena, Kamen Michael, Iannacci Enzo, Iannacci Paolo, Ianni Andrea, Infliction, Ippolito Giancarlo, Jovanotti, Lavezzi Mario, La Union, Levin Tony, Lindvall Peer,Logo, Lollipop, London Symphony Orchestra, Longhi Massimo, Lucchese Alberto, I Luf, Maccarrone Emmanuel, Maffoni Riccardo, Mainetti Stefano, Malgiolio Alessandro, Mangelli Marco, Mango, Mannoia Fiorella, Mantovan Giorgio, Manzani Mario, Marangolo Agostino, Marchesin Moreno, Marcone Rossella, Marcore' Neri, Marcotulli Rita, Mariani Bruno, Massarini Davide, Matia Bazar, Maxulis Oxana, Melone Stefano, Melotti Disi, Melotti Lele, Meneguzzi Paolo,Mercurio Aldo, Miceli Enzo, Mina, Minetti Annalisa, Minghi Amedeo, Minzer big band, Miro' Andrea,Moebius, Monopoli Max, Monorchio Andrea, Morales David, Morandi Gianni, Morricone Ennio, Mtv Usa, Nannini Gianna, Natale Mario, Negramaro, Nek, Neri per caso, Noemi, Nosei Stefano, Nunn Terry, Oreglio Flavio, Orsi "Nano" Marco, Oxa Anna, Paci Roy, Panigada Paolo, Pagani Mauro, Pagano Natale, Panceri Gatto, Paoli Gino, Paoluzzi Mauro, Parisini Dado, Pausini Laura, Pennino Adriano, Perez Lulo, Petruzzi Rocco, Pfm, Phalmer Phil, Piccardo Paolo, Pieraccioni Leonardo, Pininja Pablo, Pitura Freska, Poli Lorenzo, Pooh, Patty Pravo, Praga Symphony Orchestra, Premoli Flavio, Priviero Massimo, Ranieri Massimo, Rea Danilo, Renga Francesco, Rivagli Elio, Rodhes David, Ron, Rossi Danilo, Rossi Paolo, Rossi Vasco, Rti music staff, Ruffinengo Emanuele, Ruggeri Enrico, Rustici Luca, Sacripanti Walter, Sandrolini Sandro, Sangiorgi Giuliano, Santori Bruno, Savelli Walter, Schiavone Luigi, Scolari Massimo, Scopaz Flavio, Serafini Donella, Shapiro Shel, Sheila E., Skin, Silvestri Daniele, Soldano Pippo, Sofia Symphony Orchestra, Sorato Nicola, Spagna Ivana, Stewart Amii, Sting, Tatangelo Anna, Telesforo Gege', Ternelli"Telonio" Lorenzo, Testi Silvio, Thomas Ian, Troiano Pierangelo, Turci Paola, Ungania Giorgio, Valente Laura, Vanoni Ornella, Van Zandt Steven, Venditti Antonello, Venuti Mario, Vertigini, Vessicchio Peppe, Vallesi Paolo, Valli Celso, Valli Paolo, Varini Massimo,Vasquez Jesus, Vecchioni Roberto, Walsh Gregory, Vitolo Ernesto, VH-1, Zanotti Fio, Zarrillo Michele, Zeuss Leo.

Baglio Antonio, Calbi Greg, Cooper Ian, Coyne Tom, Gehringer Chris, Giussani Claudio, Jensen Ted, Hull Scott, Ludwig Bob, Marino George, Mellar Vlado, Versari Giovanni, Young Tim.

At CPM he is Head of the Pro Audio Engineer course and teaches:

Audio Editing
Pro Tools

Lorenzo Cazzaniga He made headlines

Pop Rock composition: entrance exam a.a.24/25

Thursday 23 May the second exam session for admission to the Academic Pop Rock Composition course for the 2024/2025 academic year
Registration by Thursday 16 May.
Second call for all those who want to become composers by undertaking an educational path at our music school: complete, highly specialized and recognized by the MUR!

Three-year Academic Course in Pop Rock Composition
The peculiarity of the Three-year Academic Course in Pop Rock Composition of our music school, compared to the same course provided by other teaching structures, is that it is characterized by a total number of hours between 580 and 596 hours, with lessons on site and in the studios. associated recording studios such as Alari Park Studios and Core-T-Zone, as well as practice in live contexts.

The Pop Rock Composition course is based on 3 pillars - composing, arranging, producing - which constitute the foundations of an academic path dedicated to those who aspire and aspire to be the reference figure alongside the great artists of the national and international scene, as well as than to personally take care of their own productions.

The course will be led by Diego Maggi and Lorenzo Cazzaniga, as Department Managers. With them: Fabio Nuzzolese, Mell Morcone, Alex Trecarichi, Giovanni Boscariol and Gabriele Comeglio.

Why enroll in an academic course?
There are several benefits deriving from enrolling in academic courses:

Achievement of a three-year degree recognized at state level and equivalent to the three-year degree of any other university and faculty, therefore evaluated in the qualifications for participation in any public competition
Tax deductions on course fees
Tax deductions on rent for off-site students (over 100km away)
Possibility of participating in calls for any scholarships awarded by the Lombardy Region (subject to payment of the DSU - Regional tax for the right to study)
Possibility to participate in the Erasmus+ program
The achievement of the three-year degree gives the right, subject to an entrance exam, to continue studies in the two-year specialization period to obtain the master's degree
Electronic Music Producer
On the same day it will be possible to audition for the Pre-Academic Electronic Music Producer course, the course dedicated to those who wish to train in the world of electronic music production.

Registration by Thursday 16 May.

For information you can contact the Teaching Secretariat by writing to corsi@cpm.it or calling 02.641146.1

Lorenzo Cazzaniga

Pop Rock Composition, Sound Engineering

Head of the department

What I teach

They have studied with Lorenzo Cazzaniga

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