CPM partner of Siena Jazz - call for PhDs

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Pubblicata il 06.08.2024

PhD in Languages ​​of improvisation in contemporary music a.y. 2024/25

CPM Music Institute is pleased to announce a new and prestigious collaboration in the Afam training field together with Siena Jazz and other important affiliated institutes. CPM is in fact a partner of the Doctorate approved by Anvur and is part of the Doctoral Board through the Professor Gabriele Comeglio.

The associated research doctorate includes the following affiliated institutions:
- Siena Jazz – National Jazz Academy (leader);
- CPM Music Institute of Milan;
- State Conservatory of Music “G. Frescobaldi” of Ferrara

Course description
The PhD Course in Languages ​​of Improvisation in Contemporary Music is a three-year study and research course aimed at performers coming from different fields and traditions (jazz, contemporary classical music, rock, pop, folk music), with particular attention to candidates whose artistic practice is inclined to a transversality of languages ​​and approaches.

The objective of the course is high-level artistic research of international relevance, as well as the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are in line with the national objectives of a third cycle course from the point of view of impact and methodological rigour. . The aforementioned artistic research, fueled by the activities foreseen by the course and concluded by a concert/performance, is accompanied by the request for an explicit reflection which, by exploiting the methodology acquired during the course and culminating in a final thesis, is able to make available to the community of reference scholars and practitioners the work practices and vision developed over the three-year course.

The deadline for applying for admission is Monday 2 September

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