CPM in concert

An amazing evening!
On Saturday 11 May our students were the protagonists of two special events at the Trabattoni Park in CERNUSCO SUL NAVIGLIO (Milan).
At 8.00 pm the CPM Showcase, the finalists of the “Cpm Show case” Contest performed some of their unreleased songs live. Following this, at 9.00 pm, the "Future Nostalgia" concert was held, during which famous rearranged songs from the pop sphere of the 2000s were presented live. Special guest of the evening was our President Franco Mussida.
CPM Music Institute (recognized as an Institute of Higher Education by the MUR) boasts a rich and structured educational program of specialized courses in instrumental, vocal and professional training supervised by professional teachers (Bass, Drums, Singing, Guitar, Piano & Keyboards, Sound Technician, Composition Pop Rock, Electronic Music Producer, SongWriting, Harp, Wind Instruments and Violin Pop Rock) and offers Academic and Pre-Academic courses (AFAM, BAC, Diploma, Certificate, Individual and Master).
It is also possible to undertake the three-year and two-year periods to obtain the 1st and 2nd level Academic Diploma, qualifications equivalent to a three-year or master's degree, recognized on the national territory and in all European countries.
Many of those who studied at CPM today work within bands of important artists (from Laura Pausini to Ermal Meta), others have undertaken their own artistic careers (including Mahmood, Chiara Galiazzo, Renzo Rubino, Tananai, Assurditè, Lucrezia , Call me beacon).
Since 1988 it has also been involved in bringing music to extreme places, the most recent initiative is CO2 "Controlling hate" which consists in the installation of special audio libraries of only instrumental music divided by mood, active in 10 Italian prisons ( Milan, Opera, Monza, Turin, Alessandria, Rome, Naples, Venice, Genoa, Bologna). It creates educational musical projects for the social sector, such as the educational activities included in the recovery programs of the Community of San Patrignano (where there is also an active audio library), and for industry, such as the design of a quality radio for the circuit NaturaSì, for culture, with participation in the Campiello Giovani Award and the Giffoni Festival.
@Photo Chiara Sardelli