Under the Skin. Our students at the Maddalene Theater in Padua

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Pubblicata il 08.04.2024

On 13 and 14 April the CPM will be at the Maddalene Theater for the musical direction of the mise en espace of Sotto la pelle a text by Elisabetta Fontana, proclaimed the 2023 winner of the Campiello Giovani Award at the Goldoni Theater in Venice.

Musical direction CPM Music Institute by Alessandro Spoldi - Keyboards
Drums and electronics: Daniele Bressani
Guitar: Giacomo Gagliardini
Voice: Giulia Lazzerini

Under the Skin
Director: Arianna Verzeletti
Dramaturgy: Chiara Clini

In a sultry summer, Teresa, a teenage girl, is on holiday at the seaside with her mother and younger sister. Her mother, very apprehensive, does not allow Teresa to leave the house until her father, who remained in the city working, joins her.

The days pass but the father continually postpones his arrival through increasingly sporadic phone calls and so none of the three have yet seen the sea. After some time, due to the heat or some other reason that Teresa doesn't understand - and scares her - her mother stops looking after her and the little girl suddenly finds herself free. It will be with Angelica, a charming older girl, who will face the transformation from child to woman and experience the freedom of summer.

Angelica will soon teach her the difference between what is not done and what is not said and when Teresa discovers that this difference also concerns her parents the effect will be disruptive. The story takes shape through different media - recordings, videos, staging, live music - which dialogue with each other to convey Teresa's point of view and her feelings. The protagonist's path, like that of her mother, is divided between the "inside" and the "outside", between physical places marked on the stage and "other" places suspended in a non-time.

Sunday 14 April 2024 - 7.30 pm

Maddalene Theatre
Via S. Giovanni di Verdara, 40 - Padua

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