Christian Meyer - Clinic
Masterclass with Christian Meyer
CPM Music Institute, MILAN
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A multimedia educational laboratory for drummers to learn to approach music in a different and innovative way.
On Friday 19 April, from 3pm to 6.30pm, the CPM Music Institute in Milan (Via Elio Reguzzoni, 15) will host the Millefinestre di Ritmo Tour New Clinic, a special masterclass with Christian Meyer.
Christian Meyer will present his new clinic for drummers: "Millefinestre di Ritmo", an event that brings his new educational project of the same name around Italy. A meeting with professional drummers and not full of exciting surprises.
"Millefinestre di Ritmo", created by the Milanese drummer, drummer of the group Elio e le Storie Tese since 1991, is an educational volume that is not just a "simple book", but a project complete with scores, exercises, 70 videos and 13 plays -along originals to learn the secrets of Christian Meyer, play with him and challenge him in the performance of some pieces by Elio and Le Storie Tese which are increasingly difficult to perform.
Christian Meyer began studying drums at the age of 11 with Maestro Lucchini. After some experiences in Dixieland music, in 1981 he moved to Frankfurt where he began his first professional collaborations with Brazilian musicians. Upon returning to Italy in 1983, he dedicated himself to various musical genres, with a particular passion for jazz. He collaborates with major Italian and international artists. He participates in various concerts and festivals in Italy and abroad, also taking part in the creation of numerous records. Since 1991 he has been the drummer of the group "Elio e le Storie Tese", official Yamaha endorser, who for the first time in its history dedicates a signature snare drum to an Italian drummer. He currently also collaborates with "Hereos - A tribute to David Bowie" with Fresu - Magoni - Petrella - Diodati - Ponticelli; "Trio Bobo" with Faso - Menconi; "Schools Project" and "Christian Meyer Show" with Silvia Bolbo.
From 1990 to 1996 he was a teacher at the CPM Music Institute, from 2012 to 2018 at the Accademia del Suono in Milan, from 2012 to 2022 at the Tedamis school in Sansepolcro (Arezzo). From 1989 to today he has conducted numerous and very popular workshops throughout Italy
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For info: – +39.02.6411461